Toggles Add to shortcut list

All the elements presented below are an expanded version of the standard HTML checkbox element. JavaScript was not used for their implementation.

Default custom checkbox

Simply use class custom-control-default

Primary custom checkbox

Simply use class custom-control-primary

Success custom checkbox

Simply use class custom-control-success

Info custom checkbox

Simply use class custom-control-info

Warning custom checkbox

Simply use class custom-control-warning

Danger custom checkbox

Simply use class custom-control-danger

You can change the size of the element, border width, border radius, the icon and colours with the variables stated in the file _variables.scss.


All the elements presented below are an expanded version of the standard HTML radio button element.
Default custom radio

Simply use class custom-control-default

Primary custom radio

Simply use class custom-control-primary

Success custom radio

Simply use class custom-control-success

Info custom radio

Simply use class custom-control-info

Warning custom radio

Simply use class custom-control-warning

Danger custom radio

Simply use class custom-control-danger

You can change the size of the element, border width, border radius, the icon and colours with the variables stated in the file _variables.scss.


All the elements presented below are an expanded version of the standard HTML checkbox element.
Default switch

Simply use class switch-default

Primary switch

Simply use class switch-primary

Success switch

Simply use class switch-success

Info switch

Simply use class switch-info

Warning switch

Simply use class switch-warning

Danger switch

Simply use class switch-danger

To change the appearance of this element you can use variables. Depending on the changes in these values, the element can take a completely different view.
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  • Sidebar sticky*
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  • Sidebar sticky* - by scrolling up and down the page, the menu placed on the sidebar moves along with the content until the bottom of the menu is reached. Learn more