

Step 1 - Load the script

To use "addDot" plug-in you have to include the required javascript files in the <head> of your HTML document. You have to add jQuery library and "addDot" plug-in javascript file.

<script src="script/directory/path/jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"
                    language="javascript"></script> <script src="script/directory/path/jquery.addDot.min.js"
                    type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> 

Step 2 - Add your hot spots

The "addDot" plug-in is very easy to use. It provides various options. As shown in above demos, you can customize appearance of hot spot icons, label etc. in a way you want it. To do so you have to write HTML & CSS to apply custom look & feel. Below are points to consider to apply custom look to hot spots.


You have to place an image into <div> tag. And apply it unique id because you will add hot spots through id. To make your image into specific layouting, you can add <div>, <table> etc. around it and you can apply CSS class to achieve desired layouting.

As shown in below code, <div id="addDot_demo_auto"> is used to add hot spots. Outer div are for layouting purpose.

<div id="demo_box1" class="add-dot-demo-automotive"> <div class="demo-content">
                    <div class="automotive"> <div id="addDot_demo_auto"><img src="img/demo_img1.jpg"
                    alt="" /></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="demo_box2"
                    class="add-dot-demo-computer"> <div class="demo-content"> <div class="computer">
                    <div id="addDot_demo_comp"><img src="img/demo_img2.jpg" alt="" /></div>
                    </div> </div> </div> 

As shown in above code, image is wrapped into <div> and CSS class class="automotive" is applied to its wrapper. This is done to make image center to the container & to define image's boundries to restrict hot spot label to go beyound certain limit of width & height. If no width/height is defined for the container, it will take full width and hot spot label will expand till container width.


Default hot spot styles are defined into "addDot_styles.css" file. To make plug-in workable, you have to add that file into your <head> part.

<link href="css/addDot_styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

As mentioned above, to define maximum allowed boundries you can wrap your image into <div> and can apply CSS class, in which you can specify CSS properties for the container.

If you are adding multiple images on one page and if you want to apply different look & feel to each image hot spot, you can define CSS classes into CSS files as below.

  • For styling outer containers define CSS classes into your website global CSS e.g. "global_style.css" file.
  • For styling hot spot icons, labels, fonts etc. define CSS classes into "addDot_styles.css" file.

Step 3 - Define your hot spots

You can define hot spots for multiple images as below.

<script type="text/javascript"> $(window).load(function()
                    { $('#addDot_demo_auto').addDot({ leftPos: 330, topPos: 180, label: 'Aerodynamic
                    design. Passenger capsule with integrate battries', showOnLoad: true, aniType: 'slide',
                    aniSpeed: 0.75, width:160 }); $('#addDot_demo_auto').addDot({ leftPos: 145, topPos:
                    180, label: 'Organic LED external light', showOnLoad: false, aniType: 'slide', aniSpeed:
                    0.75 }); // You can add more hot spots for Automotive section so on... $('#addDot_demo_comp').addDot({
                    leftPos: 315, topPos: 70, label: 'Inbuilt 2 MP HD Web Cam', showOnLoad: false, aniType:
                    'none', eventType: 'hover' }); $('#addDot_demo_comp').addDot({ leftPos: 130, topPos:
                    320, label: '2nd Generation Intel® Core™ i5-2430M processor', showOnLoad: false,
                    aniType: 'none', width:150, eventType: 'hover' }); // You can add more hot spots
                    for Computer section so on... }); </script> 

To get more idea, look at the source code of this page, all hot spots are defined into "custom.js" file.


Option Description
leftPos Data Type: integer     Default Value: 0     Possible Value: 200

Place hot spot on specified left position.
topPos Data Type: integer     Default Value: 0     Possible Value: 200

Place hot spot on specified top position.
label Data Type: string     Default Value: 'Label Text'     Possible Value: 'Hot spot label text'

Label text that will be display inside hot spot.
thumbImg Data Type: string     Default Value: NA     Possible Value: 'img/thumb_img.gif'

Add thumb image on left side of label. For displaying thumb image, you have to pass image URL. (e.g. img/path/imgname.ext)
showOnLoad Data Type: boolean     Default Value: false     Possible Value: true or false

Set open/close hot spot label on page load. If showOnLoad is set to true hot spot will be open on page load.
showOnlyOne Data Type: boolean     Default Value: false     Possible Value: true or false

Set only one hot spot label open on page at a time. If showOnlyOne is set to true at a time only one hot spot will be open previously opened hot spot will be close.
openDirectionH Data Type: string     Default Value: 'ltr'     Possible Value: 'rtl' or 'ltr'

Set open/close horizontal direction of hot spot label. [rtl = right to left, ltr = left to right]
openDirectionV Data Type: string     Default Value: 'down'     Possible Value: 'up' or 'down'

Set open/close vertical direction of hot spot label.
eventType Data Type: string     Default Value: 'click'     Possible Value: 'click' or 'hover'

Set event type for hot spot open/close effect.
aniType Data Type: string     Default Value: 'none'     Possible Value: 'slide' or 'none'

There are two options, by setting slide hot spot will open/close with slide effect. While NA will open/close hot spot without any effect. You can set the animation speed via aniSpeed option.
aniSpeed Data Type: integer     Default Value: 1     Possible Value: 2 or 0.75

The duration of the animation. (duration is in seconds)
width Data Type: integer     Default Value: NA     Possible Value: 100

Set width of hot spot. (value is in pixel) If width is not specified, it will adjust width based on hot spot label text content.
height Data Type: integer     Default Value: NA     Possible Value: 100

Set height of hot spot. (value is in pixel) If height is not specified, it will adjust height based on hot spot label text content.
boundaryPadding Data Type: integer     Default Value: 0     Possible Value: 10

Set right & bottom padding if width or height is not specified. By setting contentPadding as 10 if width is not specified, it will set width of hot spot 10px less than maximum allowed with (width of an image container). If height is not specified, it will set height of hot spot 10px less than maximum allowed height (height of an image container).
withinBoundary Data Type: boolean     Default Value: false     Possible Value: true or false

If true, it will not allow hot spot position out of image area boundary. If user do so it will adjust to max allowed boundary – 150px.
btnLabel Data Type: string     Default Value: NA     Possible Value: '1' or 'a' or 'I'

Set button label instead of button icon.

Override Default Values

You can easily change the default values for the hot spot. You can define your hot spot as below.

$('imageContainerID').addDot({ leftPos: 100, // For left position topPos: 100,
    // For top position label: 'Your hot spot label', // String label thumbImg: 'img/thumb_img.png'
    // Thumb image path showOnLoad: true, // This will make hot spot open/close on page
    load showOnlyOne: false, // This will make only one hot spot open at a time openDirectionH:
    'ltr', // Set horizontal open direction for hot spot label openDirectionV: 'down',
    // Set vertical open direction for hot spot label eventType: 'hover', // Specify
    event type click/hover aniType: 'slide', // Specifiy animation type for hot spot
    open/close aniSpeed: 0.75, // Animation duration width:200, // For width of hot
    spot label height: 50, // For height of hot spot label boundaryPadding: 20, // Set
    hot spot width/height - 20px if height/width not specified withinBoundary: true,
    // Set hot spot within image boundary btnLabel: '1' // Display button label instead
    of icon });